Exchange with other scientists and young researchers is of central importance for Ph.D. candidates. The Graduate Academy supports Ph.D. candidates and postdocs with travel grants for attending conferences and congresses/symposia/workshops. In addition, shorter research trips up to the duration of four weeks can be supported. The travel grant is paid as lump sum to mitigate the costs invested for participating at national and international conferences, congresses or symposia. The amount of the lump sum is based on the respective conference venue or destination of the short-term research trip. The following lump sums apply:
- Germany: 150 Euros
- Europe: 400 Euros
- Outside Europe: 800 Euros
Doctoral students enrolled at Leibniz University Hannover as well as postdocs who are employed at Leibniz University Hannover are eligible to apply.
Matriculated Ph.D. candidates as well as employed postdocs can submit a maximum of two applications per calendar year starting January 2024. Selection criteria will include the scientific excellence of the Ph.D. candidate as well as the active participation at the conference (oral or poster presentation). In the case of passive conference participation or in the event of a short-term research trip the Ph.D. candidate has to prove the scientific evidence of the benefit to be gained by the conference or research trip.
Applications for the travel grant are possible quarterly at the end of each quarter. The deadlines for application are March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31, respectively. The Graduate Academy selects the grant-holders within approx. two weeks. As a rule, applications for travel grants are due prior to the research trip, taken into consideration the respective deadlines. Applications submitted after the deadline or applications that relate to a trip that is prior to the relevant application deadline cannot be considered.
For more information, please see fact sheet Travel Grant below.
Submission of Documents
Please submit all documents (not stapled together, not with adhesive binding and not individually in transparent sleeves) to:
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Stichwort: Reisekostenpauschale
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover
Additionally, please send the completed electronic form and all further enclosures as one PDF file to
Visiting Address
Wilhelm-Busch-Straße 22
30167 Hannover
If you have any questions about the application process/submitting documents, please contact:
30167 Hannover

30167 Hannover

If you have any questions regarding the content of the applications or as a Ph.D. supervisor, please contact:

30167 Hannover