Scholarship for a Research Stay Abroad

 (for up to six Months)

The Graduate Academy financially supports research stays abroad as part of the Ph.D. project for a period of one to six months. With this grant, Ph.D. candidates can get financial support for travel and subsistence expenses in the case of visiting archives, for research trips or in the case of performing experiments and field research (one to six months at the most). Funding consists of a travel lump sum and monthly living allowances, both depending on the respective country of destination. The level of funding is based on the lump sums and allowances of the DAAD but generally remains below.

Registered Ph.D. candidates of Leibniz University Hannover can apply for this funding. Selection criteria will include the scientific excellence of the applicant, a meaningful reason for the necessity of the research stay abroad as well as an appropriate integration of the research stay in the work schedule and timetable of the Ph.D. thesis.

Applications for the scholarship for a research stay abroad are possible biannually at the end of each semester. The deadlines for application are March 31 and September 30, respectively. Within six to eight weeks, subject-specific scientists evaluate the applications and the executive committee of the Graduate Academy decides upon approval/rejection of applications.

Funding is retroactively possible to April 1 (application deadline: March 31) or to October 1 (application deadline: September 30).

Within six weeks after the funding has expired, the applicant is required to present a report. The report should address progress and outcome of the research stay abroad.

For more information, please see fact sheet Research Stay Abroad below. For more information on the country-specific subsistence allowances, please see Merkblatt Auslandspauschalen (only in German) below.

Submission of Documents

Please submit all documents (not stapled together, not with adhesive binding and not individually in transparent sleeves) to:

Leibniz Universität Hannover
Stichwort: Auslands-Stipendium
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover

Additionally, please send the completed electronic form and all further enclosures as one PDF file to

Visiting Address

Wilhelm-Busch-Straße 22
30167 Hannover

If you have any questions about the application process/submitting documents, please contact:

Catharina Burmeister
Wilhelm-Busch-Straße 22
30167 Hannover
Wilhelm-Busch-Straße 22
30167 Hannover
Ein Mitarbeiter der Graduiertenakademie in einem Korridor. / A Graduate Academy Team member in a corridor. Ein Mitarbeiter der Graduiertenakademie in einem Korridor. / A Graduate Academy Team member in a corridor. © Moritz Küstner/LUH
Alexander Munzig
Wilhelm-Busch-Straße 22
30167 Hannover
Ein Mitarbeiter der Graduiertenakademie in einem Korridor. / A Graduate Academy Team member in a corridor. Ein Mitarbeiter der Graduiertenakademie in einem Korridor. / A Graduate Academy Team member in a corridor. © Moritz Küstner/LUH
Alexander Munzig
Wilhelm-Busch-Straße 22
30167 Hannover

If you have any questions regarding the content of the applications or as a Ph.D. supervisor, please contact:

Die Geschäftsführerin der Graduiertenakademie in einem Korridor. / Graduate Academy’s managing director in a corridor. Die Geschäftsführerin der Graduiertenakademie in einem Korridor. / Graduate Academy’s managing director in a corridor. © Moritz Küstner/LUH
Dr. Meike Huntebrinker
Wilhelm-Busch-Straße 22
30167 Hannover
Die Geschäftsführerin der Graduiertenakademie in einem Korridor. / Graduate Academy’s managing director in a corridor. Die Geschäftsführerin der Graduiertenakademie in einem Korridor. / Graduate Academy’s managing director in a corridor. © Moritz Küstner/LUH
Dr. Meike Huntebrinker
Wilhelm-Busch-Straße 22
30167 Hannover