Arbitration Board

To help solve problems and conflicts in doctoral supervision relationships, the Graduate Academy of Leibniz University has set up a mediating body for all faculties. This arbitration board does not wish to replace the conflict-solving measures offered by the various faculties but rather to extend them. In the case of conflicts or other problems, which may arise from the supervisory relationship between a Ph.D. candidate and a member of university staff, it is the task of the arbitration board to advise those seeking help and, if possible, to work together with the parties involved to find a feasible solution which is acceptable to both sides.
Both Ph.D. candidates and doctoral supervisors can call upon the arbitration board.


In the case of problems and conflicts relating to doctoral supervision, the chairperson of the arbitration board, Professor i.R. Adelheid Kühne, should be contacted in the first instance. She will then give advice to those seeking help and make suggestions as to how to proceed further. Possible arbitration talks with all those involved in the conflict are voluntary and are based on the mutual consent of the conflict parties. Contact with the chairperson or another member of the arbitration board is subject to rules of the strictest confidentiality.

Members of the Arbitration Board

The arbitration board consists of six arbitrators of whom three are Ph.D. candidates and three university staff members. The arbitrators are elected by the council of the Graduate Academy and are committed to maintaining confidentiality.

Members (Professors)

Prof. i. R. Dr. Adelheid Kühne (Chairwoman)
Faculty of Humanities
E-Mail: kuehne[at]

Prof. i. R. Dr. rer. nat. Holger Butenschön
Faculty of Natural Sciences
E-Mail: holger.butenschoen[at]

Prof. i. R. Dr.-lng. Dr. h.c. Dieter Mewes
former Institut for Multiphase Processes
E-Mail: mewes.dieter[at]

Members (Ph.D. Candidates)

Annika Schwark
Faculty of Humanities
E-Mail: annika.schwark[at]

Dipl.-Jur. Katharina Lakisa
Faculty of Law
E-Mail: katharina.lakisa[at]

Leonie Telgmann
Philosophische Fakultät
E-Mail: leonie.telgmann[at]